Some Issues we can explore

  • men's therapy

    While psychotherapy itself is not a gendered act, we are seeing a greater percentage of men wishing to engage in therapy than ever before. Some of the themes that show up in men seeking therapy fit into an existential approach, and we can explore them together this way. Sometimes our place in our world needs to be explored, or challenged. Sometimes we are struggling to find the meaning in our existence.

    I offer a space in which we can let our guard down, and discuss the challenges before us. You are not alone in this.

  • is this all there is?

    The world we live in can sometimes leave us feeling unfulfilled. Perhaps our work/life cycle feels monotonous, or we feel stuck in a rut with no clear path out.

    Our future is not written yet, and the steps you take today can be directed toward a new destination. Let us explore the systems around us and our place within it.

  • I am overwhelmed.

    Sometimes everything is happening at once. Sometimes the weight of the world bears down on us. The stressors of life can be overwhelming, or fears and anxieties might be holding us back from becoming our full selves.

    Having someone along on your journey, perhaps to provide some outside perspective, or to work with you to reframe and explore the matters at hand can make a lot of difference. You are the expert on you, and we can explore how to discover and utilize your strengths and talents.

There are many reasons to start therapy. here are some issues that may be on your mind